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The Oh Shot for Women

close-up of young woman's torso
For Women

Oh Shot

If you are a woman who suffers from sexual issues such as low desire, inability to achieve an orgasm, or urinary incontinence, you know how frustrating these issues can be. Most women are embarrassed or nervous to speak with their physician or gynecologist about such matters, and many doctors don’t have much to say on these important issues.

In fact, up until very recently, there were very few ways to deal with these female concerns aside from prescribing hormones or suggesting psychotherapy. Now there is a new treatment called the Oh Shot, that not only offers hope for these conditions, but can also be administered during a simple, pretty comfortable in-office procedure.

happy young woman dancing
Oh Shot


The Oh Shot is an in office procedure that uses a centrifuge and special method, isolating platelet rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood. Then, using a very tiny needle, the PRP is injected back into the clitoris and upper vagina into the area most important for the sexual response, the O-spot.

young woman receiving oh-shot injection

The Oh Shot Procedure Is For Women Who Seek:


Stronger Orgasms


Increased Natural Lubrication


More Orgasms


Increased Sexual Desire


Decreased Urinary Incontinence

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